Avalon Springs Farm




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Description:  The Feileacan Crochet Cape takes its name from the word for butterfly in Irish.  It is called this because of the wing like swoop of the cape with all its inset colors.  The pattern is constructed from 9 panels that are then attached with an outline pattern and lace edgework.  Its a versatile  pattern worn inside or outside, clipped or open, over the shoulder or centered across the back.

About the Designer:  Kathleen Lopez of Craicpot Wool Works is a mother of two, incredible chef and a talented fiber artist.  She has been doing crochet most of her life and when she added in knitting, she literally became bi-lingual.  Currently she leads a MD based 4-H Fiber Arts group and teaches everything from knitting, crochet, felting, weaving, basket making, fiber craft and more.  She has a number of published designs here and on Ravelry.

Skill Level:  This pattern dose include some unique stitch work and lace edging.  It is not a patter where gauge is important.


9 Fingering/sock weight (or similar) 100 yard Mini-skeins (it is absolutely possible to use hand-spun or other novelty yarn)  Avalon Springs Farm offers these minis in Pendragon.

1 Skein of 4 oz. Fingering /sock weight

Size E Crochet Hook, tapestry needle and scissors

Special Note:  This is the Fiber Art Studio Tour (of Central Maryland, USA) February 2023 Featured Pattern!  It was designed to make use of mini skeins collected from all the different dye artist on the tour.