Avalon Springs Farm


Preakness Boot Cuff


Description:  This pattern is published as part of a kit with Avalon Springs Farm, Merlin hand painted worsted, mohair and wool yarn.  It is a cheerful little addition to any outfit with boots, and is not necessarily a winter-only accessory.  To wear the boot cuffs, the ribbed section is slid on over pants/tights and kept downwards.  Keep the lacy part up while putting on your boots, and finally fold/drape let the lacy cuff with weighted beads hang over the outside of the boot top.  Traditionally boot cuffs are worn to keep wind and snow from getting down into your boot.  However, they are so pretty that they could be worn anytime.

About the Designer:  The Preakness boot cuff  was created by designer, Linda Minnick of Mid Valley Fibers.   Linda has been involved with textiles her whole life, and has worked in this cottage industry at so many levels – teacher, designer, mill-worker, yarn shop sales person, and had a number of leadership roles in local groups and guilds.  Her talent is amazing!

Skill Level:  Intermediate – Advanced beginner.

Special Note:  Kit is available in a number of colorways and bead combination at the Avalon Springs Farm studio shop and often at shows and festivals as well.