Avalon Springs Farm

Creating with your own handspun


Class – Creating with your own handspun!

Students Will:

  • Identify the information you need to understand about your own yarn and help you, in essence write your own label.
  • Discuss a few tools of the trade, look at twist, woolen vs. worsted, yarn weight, and knitty-noddies.
  • Discuss and use guided-practice to understand an important formula and what is gained from swatching.
  • Discuss application of handspun as stand-alone projects or blended with other yarns, as in accents or features of a project.
  • Discuss a bit about choices for fiber composition, drape vs. bounce, inside vs. outside, and texture of different garments.
  • Assist with matching handspun patterns from a variety of sources to the skill level of the student.
  • A bit about what to do if your yarn breaks or runs out.


You may have made your handspun with no purpose in mind, just to relax, just for its own artistic sake – something novelty and extra-ordinary.  You may be trying to spin the finest thing you can.  It may be any number of plies.  It may have a bias.  And now you’re faced with what to do with it.  No more looking at it in a basket, bin or shelf.   This is the place to get it out, and learn something new about what to do next.

This class can be more discussion, research and assistance based than leaving class with a finished knit.  But, the objective is to help you get to that finished piece (knit, crochet, woven or felted).  Students will receive hand-outs, instruction and should bring access to the internet.

Skill & age level needed:

This is a beginner level course!  It is intended to move students from the space of just collecting their own skeins/works to get through impediments and into creating finished pieces.  It is not meant to cover every stitch description or method needed for completing patterns.  Students will be at minimum beginner level hand-spinners to have accumulated any number of skeins of hand-spun.  Students will also have some skill or interest in either knitting, crochet, weaving, felting or other artistic yarn application.

Class location/requirements & Distance learning:

On Location:  Avalon Springs Farm in Mount Airy, MD USA.  Classes are taught in-person and hands-on.  This class is inside the studio.  Facilities include bathroom.  Nothing is specifically handicap accessable, but we are happy to try to accommodate.  For any special needs, please inquire.  We will try.

Vaccination for COVID 19 is required; please present card/doc. upon arrival.  Mask wearing & social distancing also required. 

Distance Learning:  We can now offer many classes and activities via live-video (zoom/facetime) for instruction with materials shipped.  This has been an excellent means to work around the fluctuation local pandemic situation.  This is also available for students with mobility disabilities.

If materials are shipped, we will charge $8.00 in addition to class cost.

Schedule & Students:

We schedule all classes and activities by appointment.  Please use the “Contact Us” button to schedule a date and time.

This is a 1.5 hour activity.  (If students need any additional help beyond the scope of the class, we can do some follow up instruction.  Please let the teacher know.)

Traditionally we’ve done small group instruction with as few as one person and up to about 10.  However, this is very fluid in response to the pandemic.  If you  are interested in a group activity, please inquire.  Group rates may apply.  Home school & 4-H are welcome.

Students under the age of 16 may need an accompanying adult.

To Sign Up:

Go to our CONTACT tab, please let us know your name, the number of students and any preferences for dates.  We will then work with you to schedule your class or activity, and then it is suggested you pay.  Payment is due on/before the class or activity date & time.  For cancellations, we ask for 48 hour notice.